Tuesday, January 26, 2010

things i love*

As a part of my new years resolution, this is the post for the week. Lets call this week #2. *

Week #2 is all about what I am loving right now.

I love this blog. Knock of wood (http://knockoffwood.blogspot.com/) is a amazing. This chick is a rock star and inspiring for every woman. Rachel had introduced it to me a couple of days ago and its been bookmarked and view daily since then. I am going to leave the rest of the details out so you can check the site out for yourselves. Have fun!

Secondly, I love food. I love all kinds but especially deserts. This is my latest creation. It's as great as it's not so great to look at. With a little sugar, karo white corn syrup, peanut butter and corn flakes; you get this amazingly chewy corn flake yumminess. Enjoy!

Lastly, I love my shaggy puppy. I had to take this photo because next week he's going to have eyes yet again. He's going to the groomers. He will see once again. :) I will miss the shag....

Thanks for listening!

Monday, January 25, 2010

animal in you- check this out!

" So I heard of this on the Dr. Phill show and had to check it out. Very interesting! I think this is good fun for everyone. Adam and I did ours together and had a laugh or too. I am a bear! Hear me roar!" Julie

The Animal In You - You're a Bear!

Thanks for taking the Animal In You personality test! We've determined that your personality best matches the Bear, but you might also be a Weasel or a Rooster. Click here to take the test and find out more about over forty other animal types!

andrea + brad

Andrea and Brad are getting in just a few short months. So clearly, we had to get those engagement photos done.

It was a bit cold outside but I am confident that things went well. After my nose unfroze, I was able to view the photos and just loved them.

I really liked the colors of their sweaters and how they mesh with nature. I think that simple is always better and they pulled off these engagement photos beautifully!

Thanks! It was great meeting you!

Thursday, January 21, 2010

riley- 1 yr. old

Riley was a great little guy. Happy by nature, he was just a smiling away the whole session. We had so many ideas and was able to try them all out. We did everything for tummys and ties to dad's hat and formals. I know he was ready for a nap by the end of the session!


Wednesday, January 13, 2010

nathan- coldwater high school

Nathan was my first senior of the year and I had a great time photographing him. He was really patient with me outside in the snow.

I love taking portraits in the winter. I just need to find willing subjects. It's great too for seniors because they get a different look than most of their classmates.

I also tried some new retouching techniques on his photos. Nathan's session really got me excited for the upcoming senior season!

Monday, January 11, 2010


I am have decided that I needed fun and interesting new year resolutions. There will be no weight-loss promises but something I am going to succeed in! So, I committed myself to picking up my camera at least once a week and shooting something for fun. It cant be a session but something that I am truly interested in.

As you can see, I choose buddy for my first assignment. He's just an easy subject. The results were kinda cool. The second photograph is my favorite. I think that it speaks volumes about his personality. I wanted something different. Different angles. Different looks.

Tuesday, January 5, 2010

zehringer family 09

It was great getting to photography this family. They were really easy going and in good humor. I want to thank all you girls for this awesome family photo in the snow. Its my favorite in the session and I know you girls feet froze for it! Thanks!

Proofs will be in soon!