As a part of my new years resolution, this is the post for the week. Lets call this week #2. *
Week #2 is all about what I am loving right now.

I love this blog. Knock of wood ( is a amazing. This chick is a rock star and inspiring for every woman. Rachel had introduced it to me a couple of days ago and its been bookmarked and view daily since then. I am going to leave the rest of the details out so you can check the site out for yourselves. Have fun!

Secondly, I love food. I love all kinds but especially deserts. This is my latest creation. It's as great as it's not so great to look at. With a little sugar, karo white corn syrup, peanut butter and corn flakes; you get this amazingly chewy corn flake yumminess. Enjoy!

Lastly, I love my shaggy puppy. I had to take this photo because next week he's going to have eyes yet again. He's going to the groomers. He will see once again. :) I will miss the shag....
Thanks for listening!